Goodbye April!

Good morning everyone,
I can say I am kind of glad to see the calendar turn to another month soon. It’s time for these ferocious winds and cool temperatures to go away. I’m ready for buds on the trees and flowers to start blooming. It would be nice to sit on our deck and enjoy the warmth of the sun and calm waters! A few brave souls have put in their boats and docks. The fishermen have been few and far between as well. So it is time for another month!
I have had some calls about moorings, navigational buoys, and decking pieces getting moved. Marine Patrol was out on the lake Wednesday and I spoke with them.  They did their early Spring assessment and will be back with the appropriate materials to reset the buoys. This morning I was informed of someone’s decking sections missing. There are 6 wooden pieces, 5’X6′ in size,  that have gone astray. If anyone has any information regarding them, please contact me.
The Spring edition of the WLA newsletter is going to print in the next day or so. Be on the lookout for it to appear in your mailbox mid May.
Enjoy the weekend and looking forward to seeing the lake come alive.
Take care,
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