Hi Everyone,
What a nice quiet day at the lake! Days like these are what we love about this gem! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
The WLA Board of Directors met last Saturday and I wanted to pass along some information. The 47th annual boat parade will be Saturday, July 2nd at 2:30pm, if it rains we will go with Sunday, July 3rd at 2:30pm. Since the holiday is on Monday, July 4th we didn’t think we needed to do an earlier time on Sunday. Given the extra long holiday weekend we hope to have lots of participation. There is no theme this year so put your thinking caps on and be creative:) The WLA Yard sale will be Saturday, July 16th. Al and Sheila Rainford have again offered to host the yard sale in their yard at 181 Webster Lake Rd(the corner of Webster Ave and Webster Lake Rd). Thank you Al and Sheila! If you would like to help with set up on Friday afternoon or work the sale on Saturday, please let me know.
In 2020, the WLA officially adopted Lake Shore Drive as part of the Adopt a Highway program. We had crew of 8 volunteers who picked up trash along the road on a Saturday morning. Then Covid struck and the program shut down. I don’t think our “trash-pickers” stopped, but we just couldn’t do it officially. The WLA board thought it would be good to do a general lake wide clean up day. This was something that was done in the early days of the WLA. We set Sunday, July 17th from 10:00am – noon as our clean up time. Kim Bonin will coordinate. We would love to have volunteers from Lake Shore Drive, Log Cabin Association, Webster Ave, and Pine Colony sign up to do a walk along all of these areas to clean up around the lake. Bags will be provided, along with a few safety vests and grabbers. Please contact Kim at kim@boninarchitects.com for more details and to let her know you would like to help keep the Webster Lake area beautiful.
The Webster Lake Photo Calendar will continue to be a small fundraiser for the association. Nancy Wolcott has agreed to design this nice little keepsake again. Please send photos for submission to her at nancy.wolcott.47@gmail.com. Photo submissions will be accepted through Labor Day, September 5th. She would love to see photos from all seasons. So keep those cameras ready to capture the beauty of our lake. The photos should be at least 1 GB in size in order to work on the calendar.
The WLA has had some long time members pass away in the past couple years and many donations have been made to the association in their memory. The board discussed setting up a Legacy Fund. This is a planned giving fund set up to receive gifts from donors written in their estate planning. These gifts can be set up during your lifetime or set to be given as part of your will or trust. The board decided to suggest this type of giving to the WLA membership. If there is interest, we would set up an initial savings account specific for this purpose. Once monies were accumulated in the account, we would transfer it to an investment account that could be managed by Independence Financial Advisors her in Franklin. I welcome any thoughts you have on this idea. I once again want to thank everyone who has paid their membership dues and also given donations since the Spring newsletter and membership forms were sent out. Our members are very generous. If you make a donation and want it to be applied to a specific area, please note that when making your payment.
The WLA Bylaws have been reviewed by the board and there are some changes to be made. These changes will be presented at the Annual Meeting and voted on by the membership. More info will follow and an updated copy of the Bylaws will be sent prior to the Annual Meeting.
Sheila Rainford is working on a presentation for the Franklin Historical Society regarding the WLA. She would welcome any old photos, newsletters or thoughts you may have from years past. Please email her at sheila.rainford@gmail.com with any thoughts.
The summer is off to a good start! Enjoy and be safe,