Hello Everyone,
Wow it is a hot one but happy we are here at the lake to get some relief.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting last Saturday morning. Krystal Costa Balanoff from NH Lakes gave a great presentation. If you missed it you can find the link attached to this email, on the WLA website, under News, and the WLA Facebook page. She had some important lake friendly tips. Here is a link to the minutes for your review. Thank you to Bonnie Moore for being the “Acting Secretary”.
A couple weeks ago we were concerned about the high water levels after so much rain. The Dam Bureau responded and removed some boards to help with lowering the level. There was a concern at the meeting that the water is down low enough and they didn’t want things going in the other direction. I contacted the Dam Bureau on Monday and Tuesday they put some boards back in that should help to stabilize the level, especially since rain is not in the forecast for a few days.
The WLA Ice Cream Social and Food Drive will be held Saturday, September 5th from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. We will be collecting non perishable food items at the social and also the week before at different locations around the lake. You will see signs posted at the Lorenze’s, 68 Webster Ave, the Perkins’,182 Webster Ave, the Pelletier’s, 299 Webster Lake Rd and the Desharnais’s, 143 Lake Shore Dr. The signs will say Food Drop Off and will be out from Saturday, August 28th thru Monday, Sept. 7th. Food collected will be taken to the Twin Rivers Food Pantry in Franklin on Tuesday morning, Sept. 8th. Thank you for participating in this, the Food Pantry is always very appreciative of our donations.
Janet Flagg and a couple other members thought it would be fun to have a Plant Sale at the Ice Cream Social. They will be bringing some perennial plants from their gardens and suggest if you want to thin your gardens as well, feel free to bring some to the Social. This could be a fun way to start a garden area on your property or enrich what is there already. Any proceeds will go to the WLA.
Lastly, don’t forget to submit those photos for the WLA calendar. The deadline is Monday, Sept. 7th. Please submit to nancy.wolcott.47@gmail.com.
Enjoy the weekend and the last weeks of summer,