The WLA Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 5th at the Franklin Elks Lodge at 125 South Main Street. This should be a much better venue for our meeting and hope to see a lot of you there. We will be having coffee from 9:00-9:30, then a presentation by the Loon Preservation Center. Come and learn all about these beautiful birds that inhabit our lake. Following the loon presentation we will have our regular business meeting. I have attached a copy of the WLA Bylaws that have been revised. There are minimal changes and they are noted in red ink. At last year’s annual meeting there was discussion of changing the membership eligibility, however this was met with a lot of push back. The WLA board of directors decided to abandon the change and thus membership eligibility will remain as it was initially stated in the original bylaws. Please review the bylaws before the meeting and be prepared to vote on them. An Agenda, the Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s report will be sent prior to the meeting. If anyone has anything for discussion, please let me know.
I have received 2 emails about “lost” items. This photo is of a water mat that was seen floating in the middle of the lake. Hope it has been retrieved by the owner. The other is in regards to a canoe that came loose from someone’s dock during the storm last night.(Friday) It is a 16 foot Radisson. No contact information on it. A lake resident has retrieved it. If you are missing a canoe, contact me and I will give you the info on where it is located.
In my “Yard Sale Thank You” email, I omitted a couple volunteers who were a big help. Thank you to Brian Campbell and Brian and Lesley Berry for lending helping hands to the set up and clean up of the yard sale.
Enjoy this nice summer weekend that we have been waiting for,