Hi Everyone,
Activity is picking up around the lake and the weather is trying to be more consistent with the season. The WLA Spring edition of the newsletter was mailed today to everyone on our mailing list. Thank you to Mark Field for again designing a great looking newsletter. Look for it in your mailboxes in the next few days. The WLA mailing list has been updated and those who have not paid dues for 5 years have been removed from the mailing list. You will find membership forms included with the newsletter and your 2023 dues can be paid via this or PayPal through the WLA website. Your dues help defray the costs of VLAP samplings done on the lake in June, July, August, and September, costs for our Lake Hosts, who monitor the boat launch on weekends from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and milfoil mitigation. I thank you for your continued generosity and support of these projects.
When the ice went out and the winds raised a little havoc with the high water, a mooring buoy has made its way down to the southern end of the lake. It has remained in the same spot now for a few weeks. It is out front of docs at 182 Webster Ave. As you return for the season, check to see if you have a missing mooring buoy. I was also made aware of a missing dock section that floated away from the Lake Shore Drive area. If anyone has located a stray 4 foot dock section, please let me know.
The first of three WLA Clean Up Days will be held on Sunday, May 28th, from 10:00am to noon. We are looking for volunteers to clean up trash on streets around the lake – Webster Ave, Pine Colony Rd, Lake Shore Dr., Log Cabin Rd., and North Shore Lane. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Kim Bonin at kim@boninarchitects.com. We had a great turnout on the two days we did last year. There will be two more clean up days in July and October.
If your septic system is in need of pumping, Rowells Services is having their Webster Lake Days on Friday, June 2nd and Monday, June 8th. Take advantage of the special they are running.
The Department of Environmental Services is doing an analysis of mercury content of fish in NH Lakes.
If you are interested in submitting fish for analysis, please review the “instructions” link below. The process is simple and only requires five individuals per species, but please be sure to review the Fish and Game regulations in advance. Bass, in particular, cannot be kept during parts of May and June because of their spawning activity. Max Maynard (maxwell.t.maynard@des.nh.gov ; 603-271-2968) is the primary contact person for this effort should you have additional questions.
Volunteers Collecting Fish For Mercury Analysis (nh.gov)
Lastly, the City of Franklin is proposing a $20 million dollar bond be secured for some capital improvements in the city. The Economic Development Task Force Team gave two presentations to the public on this issue. They also gave a Budget 101 presentation. To learn more about these presentations, click on the links below. The City Manager may be presenting the bond proposal before the City Council in July.
Economic Development Public Forum – Bond Discussion | Franklin NH
Budget 101 – Information | Franklin NH
Memorial Day will be kicking off the unofficial start of summer. Take a moment to remember those who fought for all our freedoms we enjoy today. I hope you find everything in order as you return to the lake and that a wonderful season is ahead of us.
Take care and be safe on the lake,