The Lake is Waking Up!

Hello Everyone,

The lake is waking up! Boats and docks are getting put in and people are opening their cottages. It is nice to familiar faces to say hello to on my walks. Now if we could just get some of those 70 degree temperatures, like we had in early April, to stick around it would be great! The loons have also arrived. Let’s hope we will have a baby chick this summer.

The Spring edition of the WLA newsletter should be in your mail boxes next week. It is a “newsy” edition with informative articles. Unfortunately, a few typos were spotted after it went to print, so if your eagle eyes can spot them, I will put you on the proofing committee for the Fall edition:):)Emoji Three sets of eyes missed them and I apologize. Thank you to Mark Field, once again, for putting the content in an attractive layout. Membership forms are always included in the Spring edition. Remember you can now pay your dues and update your contact information on the WLA website via PayPal or credit card. Go to and click on the Membership button for details. If you prefer not to do it electronically, the paper membership form can be filled out and mailed with your dues to our PO Box. Thank you in advance for your dues payments.

Congratulations to Brian Campbell, one of our WLA board members, who has been awarded a Volunteer Limnologist Award from VLAP(Volunteer Lake Assessment Program). Brian has been a volunteer testing our lake waters through VLAP for over 15 years. On May 17th he will be given this award virtually at the VLAP Workshop. He became aware of this program, a few years after purchasing his property on the lake. He loves the beauty of the lake and wanted to help keep it that way. His commitment to monthly water testing is appreciated. Thank you Brian. We will begin testing the lake in June and Brian will continue to be part of the crew.

We have been awarded a grant from NH Lakes to help defray costs of paying for our Lake Hosts this summer. Through this program Lake Hosts have helped keep invasive species out of Webster Lake. Webster Lake has been a part of this program for many years and last summer inspected 700+ boats. We have one Lake Host on board and are looking for a second one. Anyone 16 years or older is eligible to become a Lake Host. The Lake Hosts inspect boats entering and exiting Webster Lake at the boat ramp on weekends starting Memorial Day through Labor Day. The hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00am – 3:00pm. On the holiday weekends, we will cover Mondays as well. If you or someone you know is interested in keeping NH Lakes from becoming infected with invasive species, please email me at or Krystal Alpers at We pay for 2 Lake Hosts during the summer on weekends, but if there is someone who is interested in volunteering time to this program, we would love to have more coverage on Fridays as well.

NH Lakes has been running very informative, interesting and educational webinars for the past year. The next one is on June 2nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. It is titled Boating Safety 101. This is a very timely topic as the boating season begins on Webster Lake. If you would like to register for this webinar, go to and scroll down to the 2021 Webinar Series button. If you can’t attend that evening, NH Lakes makes all their webinars available on their website the day after presentation. You can access all previous webinars as well.

Looking forward to seeing more people returning to the lake. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!

Take care,

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