Hello Everyone,
I send mid winter greetings to all of you, however it still seems like we haven’t had a true winter. The temps have hovered around the 35-45 degree mark during the days with some cooler temps at night. The lake is still frozen and more bob houses are present on the lake. The snow has been mixed with sleet and freezing rain, making snowmobile conditions not great. Snow is in the forecast tonight though, so maybe a change is in the air!
The Webster Lake Fishing Derby is this weekend. I’m sure that is why we are seeing more bob houses appear as they are jockeying for position to catch the “big one”! I hope that all the participants will be respectful of our lake and carry out what they carry on. If you can’t make it to the derby in person, take a look at the web cam on our WLA web site to get an insight into the popularity of this event.
If you purchased a WLA fundraising calendar, I hope you are enjoying the first couple months of photos! Thank you to all of you who did support this effort. We made $320+. I believe the calendar is still available if anyone would like to still purchase one. Go to http://www.createphotocalendars.com and put WLA in the box under “Shop”. It really captures some beautiful moments on Webster Lake.
It may be a little early to think Spring, but if you live south of Manchester you are probably seeing bare ground. A Boston weatherman even spoke of early Spring flowers popping up! I only mention Spring as I am starting to think about the WLA Spring newsletter. I would welcome input on suggestions for articles you may like to see in the newsletter. Even better, if you are feeling inspired to write an article for the newsletter, that would be helpful. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas.
I have been thinking a little further ahead to summertime activities as well. In the past, it was a WLA tradition to light flares around the lake on the 4th of July. Many of you may remember that tradition. It was stopped due to environmental concerns for the lake, understandably. It would be nice to bring back that tradition but in a different format. It was suggested to me that we could use luminaries. I would like your input on the interest of pursuing this project. The lights around the lake symbolize a sense of community and I also think it looks pretty:) Also during the boat parade, there was a musical group that led the parade on a pontoon boat then played for a time afterwards. A member looked into hiring a band and it is more costly than we want to pursue, however, if anyone knows, or is a DJ, and would like to be a part of the 4th of July festivities, let me know.
Part of our WLA mission is to preserve and protect our lake environment. We speak a lot about keeping the water clean, however the roadways around our lake also need to be kept clean. In the past John Marapese and his family adopted Lake Shore Drive through the State of NH Adopt a Highway Program. John contacted me asking if the WLA would like to take over that project as he and his family have not renewed that endeavor. There have been residents along that road and others who have continued to monitor the road for trash clean up. John gave me the contact person for the state program and my husband and I met with her last week. We officially signed paper work to once again Adopt a Highway – Lake Shore Drive – as a WLA project. We will need some volunteers who would be willing to walk a stretch of the road from May – October to pick up trash. I asked if we could adopt Webster Ave as well, but that is not considered a state road, thus it can’t officially be adopted. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in participating with and we will get everyone together to go over safety regulations and schedules.
I hope you are all doing well, enjoying your “winter homes” and staying healthy.