Unprecedented Times

Hello Everyone,

In these unprecedented times of Coronavirus, I wanted to check in with all of you. I hope this message finds everyone healthy and doing their best to stay strong under challenging circumstances. Please check in with friends, family and fellow lakers. We are all in the same boat and reaching out to each other can keep us connected. Continue to use good personal hygiene and practice “social distancing”.
Maybe thoughts of the lake will give you solace : )
I know we all have many more important things on our minds, other than the lake, but I wanted to share one item with you.

I received the Volunteer Lake Assessment Report (VLAP) from Sara Steiner at DES. This is a summary of the water testing that we did in June, July and August of 2019. I have attached it for your reading pleasure : ) Along with the report is a document that explains how to read the report. Overall Sara states that Webster Lake is remaining stable, but we did have a few hiccups with cyanobacteria outbreaks. We must continue to be vigilant about being lake friendly to keep the stable trend going forward.

As I write this, the sun is shining brightly on a few areas of open water. The temperature is about 35 degrees, but warmer temps are forecast for later in the week. We could have ice out before the end of the month! To get a peak at this fascinating phenomenon, go to http://www.websterlakenh.com and click on the webcam. Newsletter planning is in the works and again if anyone has suggestions for articles or would like to write one, please let me know.

I wish all of you well and take care.

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