Hi Everyone,
It was a hot one for a yard sale but it was a hot success!!
Heartfelt thank yous to everyone who helped make this event a success. Special thanks to Mark Lorenze, John Miller, Bruce Browne and Jeff Perkins who helped set up the pop up tents that were loaned to us by Dan Trombley, John Miller, Paul Duncanson, Deb Steadman, Kim Bonin and Jeff Perkins.
Wow we had a lot of stuff! Thank you to everyone who dropped off items for the sale. Special thanks to Mark Lorenze, John Miller, Bruce Browne, Denis Duquette and Dave Chandonnais who volunteered to pick up items from those who couldn’t deliver on their own.
With all that stuff, it needs organization. Special thanks to Lori Chandonnais, Laurie Salame, Karen Kosovsky, Rider and Madeline Griswold, Steve Walsh, Denis Duquette, and Jeff Perkins who brought some order to the chaos. Bruce Browne and Danny Cotter were there in the evening to help the crew get it covered for the night and protected.
Sales were brisk on Saturday morning and thanks to our great salespeople Todd and Nancy Moulton, Lori Chandonnais, Laurie Salame, Karen Kosovsky, Denise Steadman, and Linda Stronge, we were able to move a lot of items. A little over $2400 in sales and another $250 in donations made the effort all worth while 🙂 .
Clean Up went pretty quickly with the many hands of Jeff Perkins, Bonnie Moore, Bruce Browne, Dave and Lori Chandonnais, Karen Kosovsky, Laurie Salame, Mark Lorenze, Paul Duncanson, Deb Steadman, George Briggs and Chris Van Campen. Thank you. Special thanks to Al and Sheila Rainford for letting their yard be the perfect location for the sale.
In another note, as we were cooling off in the water after the yard sale was complete, we noticed a young adult who seemed to be having boat trouble near our area. We got his attention and were able to help him come into shore. He told us his trolling motor battery had died about three hours earlier and he had no luck getting the attention of any boaters to help him. He had a paddle but that broke as he was using it. There were a number of boaters and fishermen on the lake and he said no one would come to his aid. I’d like to remind everyone if you are out in or on the water and notice someone who needs assistance, please be a good boater and help them. This seems very unusual for our lake community and very common sense to just help one another. Once this particular boater was in close enough to shore, he was able to walk his boat back to where he lives. He was a little tired, very sunburned and thankful for our help. Please be aware of what is happening on our lake.
Summer weather is the forecast for the rest of the week, enjoy time at the lake and thank you all once again for another successful WLA event.