Baby Loon!

Hello Everyone,

What another great summer weekend here at Webster Lake! I hope you all are enjoying this great summer. As many of you may already know, this past week a baby loon chick hatched from the nest in Dyer Cove. The loon specialist from the Loon Center has been here to observe Mom,Dad and baby. She reports that all are doing well. This is very exciting and watching the baby grow before our eyes is really fascinating. I received this photo this morning and wanted to share it. Click it for a larger version. Nancy Wolcott had suggested the name Apollo and it seems most appropriate given the chick was born near the 50th anniversary of the moon landing by Apollo 11. Here’s hoping Apollo prospers on our beautiful lake. An article appeared a couple weeks ago in the Concord Monitor and is worth attaching as well. Please be mindful of these beautiful birds as you are out on the lake.

The WLA Annual meeting will be held Saturday, Aug 3rd at the Franklin Library Conference room. Coffee will be at 9:00am with our meeting starting at 9:30am. Mark Lorenze will be awarded the John Morten Award from NH Lakes, Andrea LaMoreaux from NH Lakes will also give a presentation their new LakeSmart program – how to be lake friendly while living on the lake. We will also conduct WLA business. We will be selling and drawing the winning raffle tickets for the loon tote bags. Outdoor New England donated a $100 gift card to the WLA, so we will have that as a silent auction item. Looking forward to seeing many of you.

Many of you are photographing the baby loon. This is a reminder that we are looking for great pictures of all the lake has to offer for our fundraising calendar. Please send any photos you would like considered for the calendar to Remember they must be of high resolution, at least 1 MB, to transfer well to the calendar. They can also be of any season here at Webster Lake.

One last item, I mentioned in my last email that the web cam was live again on the WLA website. As some of you may have seen, there were some technical difficulties and the live picture went to a still picture shortly after being up. Mark Field has been working out the kinks and we are back up live again, as of today. Take another look and click on the play arrow at the lower left of the picture.

Keep enjoying this beautiful weather, be safe and protect our wonderful lake,


Loon article in the Concord Monitor

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